ABCB Welcomes 2020
2020 is underway and ABCB’s diary is already filling up representing members interests at the most important meetings for Accredited CBs. Dates confirmed so far include:
UKAS Surgery (ABCB members only): February 27th
IAF Mid Term Meeting (Beijing): March 30th – April 2nd
EA General Assembly (Luxemburg): May 13th – 14th
UKAS Policy Advisory Council: July 8th
UKAS Policy Advisory Forum & Policy Advisory Council: September 20th
UKAS AGM: October 13th
IAF Annual Meeting (Montreal): October 13th – November 5th
UKAS Policy Advisory Council: 24th November
EA General Assembly (Zagreb): 25th – 26th November
Also working with: Various BSI Committees, EFAC, BEIS – BSI PAS ‘Energy Smart Appliances’, Office for Product Safety – BSI PAS ‘Bringing Safe Product to Market’, Information Commissioner’s Office and many more.
Your voice is not being heard? – why not speak to ABCB to see how your views can be represented to the Quality Infrastructure industry –